NGO trains Women on enterprenuership, advocates for inclusion in politics

A Popular Non Governmental Organization ( NGO) called Better Life for Women Network has trained women on enterprenuership skills and advocated for more Women inclusion in the governance of this country.

The Chief Executive Officer of Better Life for Women Network, Ambassador Dr. Samira Abubakar Abdullahi said ” the Organization is a platform for every Nigerian woman to value to their activities not to become liability but to become self reliance through enterprenuership.

“What we do here is to add value to what a woman is guide, monitor and mentor her to become a good businesswoman for self-reliance.

Dr. Abdullahi revealed that the target of the Organization is to first capture the chunk numbers of women especially in the Northern Nigeria to empower and Change their stories by engaging them in entrepreneurial activities.

She said “We consider our cultures and traditions in the North and it’s something we need to talk about in enhancing the northern women through this platform to excel in businesses.

” We have our programme coming up to train 10,000 women this year and it’s focusing non adding value, self-reliance, capacity building, Orientation and mentorship on skills acquisition on their ability to express themselves and mentorship by exchanging Ideas for one another.

” We don’t need to shy away of the role of women in motherhood therefore we need to inculcate that love into the society by pushing the female children ambitious too to become successful people in life like their male pairs.

The CEO stressed that the zonal coordinators and state coordinators were trained to return to their various state and train hundreds of women in entrepreneurial skills.

She said” As a leader you need people around you to assist in carrying out some of these tasks by bringing their people in clusters to benefit from these schemes. For the coordinators we have alot of goodies such loans, grants to empower women in adding value to their businesses.

On women inclusion in governance, Dr. Abdullahi a former Vice Presidential Aspirant revealed that there is a change when compared to the past.

She said ” some Women have contested during this Elections and won but it’s not enough. If I can remember we ran advocacy on women inclusion in politics seeking for 35 percent. Though we are yet to get it but I know we’re getting there as a women are coming out to assist other women in the Political circle.

” We have a programme coming up this year that we’re inviting all the top women in the Political hermiphere and Governors wives to participate on her we can address gender balancing in the system.

” My appeal to all the women that are striving to see that they foster in their businesses and profession is not to relent but shun obstacles as the sky is their limit.

While delivering his lecture, the Director General of Better Life for Women Network, Prince Ajisefinni Ayodeji Tajudeen said ” a leader is one who inspires others to work willingly towards the achievements of a goal through minimum application of his capacity and qualities.

He stressed that a leader is expected to have some basic attributes such as skills, intelligence, determination, imagination, endurance and courage.

Prince Tajudeen emphasized that the aims and objectives of the association will be achieved in various states if the participants work collectively by helping one another.

The highlights of the event was proper orientation and inauguration of the various zonal and states Executives of the Organization.

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