Babcock University holds  career fair for graduating students

Bankole Taiwo, Abeokuta

Babcock University held a week-long annual career fair for the 2023 graduating students to prepare them for the world of work.

The career fair was an opportunity for the students to interact with top employers of labour in the country and gain insight into the job market, and be taught how to write CV, become a volunteers and become one of those organization would seek to engage.

Speaking at the event, the Director of Communication and Marketing, Dr. Joshua Suleiman said the career fair was one of the signature events of Babcock University.

He said the university is excited to have special students that are ready to showcase their career to the world.

He urged the students to take the career fair very important and give a positive impact to their environment.

“No doubt, with you, this country is on a platform to greatness and this fair will enrich you with greatness.”

While addressing the audience at the event,CEO, Swift King Logistics & Venture, Barrister Clarksson Iyovwaye, said the students should try and learn how to use acquired skills to establish themselves.

He noted that “the world we live now is the world of learning, and if everything is outdated, learning can never be outdated.”

Keynote speaker, Founder, 2022 Access Fellow,Miss Ayobami Omonike, taxed the students not to underrate but to make themselves special by acquiring skills that would add fillips to their curriculum vitae.

Ayobami, an alumnus of Babcock University, shared her personal experiences with the students and implored them to see obstacles as a way to make themselves special.

“Just get ready to overcome obstacles that will come your way and understand that there are some things outside your control.”

While congratulating the graduating students ahead of their forthcoming graduation ceremony, she reminded them that graduation was just the beginning of many successes they would come across in life.

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