Nigeria’s ICT Genius & National Pension reform hero, Sen. Ibrahim Saminu-Turaki, presents youthful Mustapha Sule-Lamido jr, self, to Jigawa Electorate

…Seeks new sociology of voting behaviour in re-enacting the 1999 electoral investment puzzle that gave PDP its winning streak

…Citing his foundational creativity as towering political scorecard for evaluation over rival APC

By Prince Chidera Ejike-Umunnabuike Jr & Nazir Galadanchi


Nigeria’s Information Communication Technology [ ICT] genius and National Pension Reforms content creator and intellectual property initiator, the youngest executive civilian governor in Nigeria Republic dispensation, at the young age of 36 in 1999, Distinguished Senator Ibrahim Saminu-Turaki, can best be described as a super genius.

He would always go down in Nigeria’s history as the exceptionally brilliant Actuarial Scientist and politician, who pioneered the concept of the current National Pension Reforms Scheme that Nigeria, presently practice.

He is placed on official record as having first initiated the concept of Pension Reforms while he was the Executive Civilian Governor of Jigawa State, in 1999 when he was barely 36 years old, making him the youngest of all the 36 state governors in the country, in the administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo.

The pension reform scheme was later modelled and introduced by the Lagos State Government and finally copied by the Federal Government of Nigeria.

Sen Saminu-Turaki, is also being credited with other landmark development administrative reforms in the areas of ICT, ELECTRICITY MILESTONES, EDUCATION REFORMS & SECURITY.

His former undergraduate peers, classmates, friends at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria as well as his political colleagues, business associates, see him as a brilliantly intelligent intellectual over-achieving personality with unlimited capacity for uncommon creativity and value-addition.

For other Nigerians, who have come across this urbane man of all seasons, they would rather perceive or see him as a puzzle and a personality with multiple human resource endowments and gifts, given his unique personality development schemes.

This highly refined gentleman is none other than, Distinguished Senator Ibrahim Saminu Turaki, the pioneer Executive Civilian Governor of Jigawa State.

This urbane man of all seasons and a stickler to high standards has a mien that portrays him as a commoner on your first time encounter with him.

Quiet, highly cultured, disciplined and focused in whatever he sets out to achieve, Dist’ Senator Ibrahim Saminu Turaki, can best be described as a man far ahead of his peers and generation. Not until you enter into a dialogic rapport with him or initiate a conversation, will you discover the exceptionally skilled knowledge-base , competences , brilliance , intellect and uncommon wisdom that the Almighty God, had endowed him with.

His level of emotional, cognitive, Investigative, social and native Intelligence infrastructure, is beyond the power of description.

Nigeria’s eminent elder statesman and most respected former military Head of State and  two term Executive Civilian President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, sees Senator Ibrahim Saminu Turaki, as a super Information Technology & Communication genius.

Dist. Senator Ibrahim Saminu Turaki, now in his late 50’s, is known in Nigerian history as the political leadership figure, who pioneered the introduction , teaching and learning of ICT in both primary and secondary schools in Jigawa State , while he was Governor between 1999 and 2007.

As a matter of fact, he is also credited with the use of e-Governance in the area of Development Administration, in Jigawa State, linking all the Ministries, Departments and Agencies {MDA’s}.

The story was once told when he accompanied His Excellency, President Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR , on a foreign trip and suddenly he walked up to the President , Commander–in–Chief of the Armed Forces Federal Republic of Nigeria, requesting to be given official permission to hold a brief State Executive Meeting with members of his cabinet.

At this point, President Olusegun Obasanjo, was said to have inquired from Dist. Senator Turaki, if he will be traveling back to Nigeria, in spite of the fact the foreign assignment was yet to be concluded.

This bundle of talents, humbly responded to the Presidential enquiry by informing President Olusegun Obasanjo that he will holding a Virtual Online Meeting, currently known as Zoom {Meeting} with his cabinet members in Dutse, Kazaure, Gumel & Hadeija respectively.

This was taking place when most Nigerians were yet to fully understand the intricacies, complexities and dynamics of the global internet revolution.

A highly hyperactive consummate personality with a knack for details, Sen Ibrahim Saminu-Turaki, is currently the People’s Democratic Party Senatorial standard bearer {candidate} for Jigawa North-West zone in February 25 2023 National Assembly Elections, which holds on the same date with the Presidential polls.

The Galaxy Backbone Limited, now 100 per cent owned by the Federal Government, was the creation of Distinguished Senator Ibrahim Saminu-Turaki, when he was the executive Governor of Jigawa State. Having Senator Ibrahim Saminu-Turaki, as a second time and returning Senator, will no doubt enrich the highly technically tasking routine weekly contributions on the floor of the upper chamber of the National Assembly, Abuja.

His versatility, fast-thinking responses to stimuli, sharp instinctual reaction-processes in matters of superior intellect and debates, would be highly needed, explaining the Kazaure Emirate voting electorate made up of 12 Local Government Councils are strongly behind his second-term electoral bid.

Having a consummate personality like Dist Senator Ibrahim Saminu Turaki, is what the Nigerian people as well as his kinsmen and women from the North-West geo political zone of Northern Nigeria, need.

When an electoral candidate is seeking the electoral investments of his constituents with a view to managing the gains of projective gains of electoral successes such as the February 25th , 2023 National Assembly polls, with runs on the same day with the presidential elections, issues and values usually raised by the voting electorate, center on the visible and tangible contributions made or recorded by such a candidate like Sen Saminu-Turaki to warrant a re – investment on him.

To this end, His Excellency, Distinguished Sen. Ibrahim Saminu Turaki, can justifiably lay bold claims to showing very credible democratic scorecard as his successful lines of achievement, necessitating an overwhelming  electoral re-investment by his ever reliable Kazaure kinsmen and women.

Before President Olusegun Obasanjo, influenced him to sell the super ICT Company to the Federal Government on a share-holding formulae of 40 per cent – 60 per cent basis with the Federal Government, having a higher share of 60 per cent, is now completely acquired by the Federal Government of Nigeria.

This is the creativity of the man, Dist’ Senator Ibrahim Saminu-Turaki, who is more like the Albert Einstein of Africa.

Dist’ Senator Ibrahim Saminu TURAKI, for former Executive Governor of Jigawa State between  May 29, 1999 and May 29, 2017, can best be described as a living human puzzle.

A man of few words, he has a knack for details, besides being gifted with the high extra sensory perceptive cognitive capacities, emotional and investigative intelligence.

Perhaps, the Almighty Most High God Allah SWT, also imbued him with exceptional brilliance, intelligence, and long memory-span with a tendency to always show calmness in the midst of emerging political, social, cultural, traditional and allied emotive appeals that have huge tendencies to stir public hysteria.

For the most part, Distinguished Senator Ibrahim Saminu-TURAKI, who has a way with slight stuttering and often careful about his choice of words in his public speech-making processes, is currently presenting himself as a puzzle in the build to the February 26 & March 23, 2023 Presidential General Elections.

He has began to showcase the unique and uncommon creativity potentials that singled him out as a super genius who brought E-Governance culture to national limelight even as most uninformed minds who could not keep up to his brain-waves, stoutly criticised him due to crass ignorance and lack of knowledge.


Ahead of the February / March 2023 Presidential & General Elections, Distinguished Senator Ibrahim Saminu TURAKI, the TURAKIN KAZAURE and former civilian Governor of Jigawa State between 1999 and 2007, is a man of many parts.

His deft political interests- aggregation moves and growing grassroots acceptance, is not surprising.

For instance, this reality principle can be attested to by the fact that since, he left office as Governor at the successful completion of his two term tenure, he had maintained the strong cordial relationship that he built with the grassroots, the middle-class, the elite-class as well as the complex political subpopulations across populations- sizes, populations- patterns and populations- distributions in the three senatorial zones that make up Jigawa State.

Surprisingly, Senator Ibrahim Saminu TURAKI, does not believe in the common-place social concept of a political leadership figure, having imagined, perceived or real enemies.

His responses to the often negative social stimuli which encourages some political personalities, bearing grudges against certain political associates or followers, is one that baffles even a growing child in the remotest part of Hadeija, Dutse, Gumel or Kazaure Emirates of Jigawa State.

He has no perceived political enemies. A highly nocturnal personality, who uses the wee period of the night and the early hours of the morning to carry out his reading routines, ICT engagements and electronic supervision of his business concerns, interests as well as political consultations, is a puzzle for special studies.

Calm, calculated, fast-thinking and slightly a stammerer in the mood of the likes of General Omar Sanda Ike Nwachukwu, he takes his time in espousing his thoughts in his carefully worded speech processes.

Any independent view you seek in Jigawa State, even from amongst those, who may not share the same political persuasions with him, they will tell you that the man, Sen Ibrahim Saminu-TURAKI, has a good rapport with the voting electorate, besides having very brilliant ideological concepts aimed at building strong political affiliations

The Jigawa State, are gradually re-awakening the same political consciousness that Sen Ibrahim Saminu-TURAKI, introduced when he became Governor of the State, when he was barely 32 years old.

Though his Jigawa kinsmen and women, see him as a man of simplicity and unparcelled generosity to the less privileged, his endorsement of young Alhaji Mustapha Sule Lamido Jr , whose father , Alhaji Sule Lamido, at some point in his political career waged a ferocious political war against Sen Ibrahim Saminu TURAKI, is beginning to alter and positively influence the Sociology Of Voting Behaviour of the Jigawa State Electorate towards massively throwing their support for the Governorship candidate of the youthful Alhaji Mustapha Sule-Lamido Jr, as the next Executive Governor of Jigawa State.


It was at this epoch making grand breaking political rally that the youthful and equally brilliantly intelligent son of Alhaji Sule Lamido, Alhaji Mustapha Sule Lamido Jr, the PDP Governorship candidate and his running mate, Alhaji Babandi Ibrahim-Gumel, were presented to the enlightened voting electorate, who volitionally pledged to plough in their electoral investments in the duo of Alhaji Mustapha Sule Lamido Jr and Alhaji Babandi Ibrahim-Gumel, as the pair that will restore the declining and somewhat lost glory of Jigawa State.

The mega rally was essentially Issue-based and by coincidence, such concerns of the development administration that had agitated and still agitate the minds of the electorate as a stable economy, defined the campaign drive.

Issues of overhauling the revenue generating platforms of the state, through increased Internally Generated Revenue [IGR], need for the exploration, exploitation and generation of untapped solid mineral resources, the exponential growth in the unemployment rate of Jigawa State,  curbing youth restiveness, education of the girl-child as well as the often neglected empowerment of the women, development of the various local market hubs, convention of the current Dutse International Airport to a cargo terminal to cater for the entire north-west region and revamping the moribund tourism potentials that Jigawa state, is endowed with, amongst other issues of growth and development.

Considering that Jigawa State, is a land-locked state, the the novel ideas initiated by the Senator Ibrahim Saminu-TURAKI led administration between 1999 and 2007, such as the Maitagari Export Processing Free Zone, which will be driven by the strengthening of the short, medium and long term economic modules, ably supported by the resuscitation and revitalisation of the local markets and sources of raw materials to create paid employments for the youth sub-populations in Jigawa State, will vigorously be pursued if the Jigawa State electorate, massively and decisively vote in the Alhaji Mustapha Sule Lamido Jr & Alhaji Babandi Ibrahim-Gumel, as Governor & Deputy Governor -Elect accordingly.

In all the campaign rallies of the People’s Democratic Party , championed the great grassroots’ mobiliser, Senator Ibrahim Saminu TURAKI, the TURAKIN KAZAURE, such pertinent matters that had been ignored after his exit from gubernatorial leadership, more than 20 years ago, came up for mention and reintroduction.

For instance, it is on national record that it was in the tenure of Senator Ibrahim Saminu TURAKI, that the idea of harnessing the exportable agrarian, solid mineral and human resources potentials of Jigawa State were first mooted and introduced.

Then, it was a very strange economic concept to the people, who saw him as a weird Sir Albert Einstein, who had superior intellectual property ideas and ideals, the people were not ripe for its experimentation and implementation. Again, the concept of e-Governances introduced by Sen. Ibrahim Saminu-TURAKI, that linked all the Emirate Councils, the Government Ministries, Departments & Agencies, was the first of its kind in Africa, even as the former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, acknowledged the success story of the concept.

At the time of introducing the Information Communication Technology [ICT} in Jigawa State primary & secondary schools on a pilot scheme basis, Jigawa State schools made history nationwide.

At least, if and when the PDP by the calculations of the party chieftains, the duo of Alhaji Mustapha Sule Lamido Jr and Alhaji Babandi Ibrahim-Gumel, are sworn in as Governor and Deputy Governor, respectively, disturbing social and security problems bordering on Herders – Farmers crisis, Effective Border Patrol Interventionist Solutions, Strong legislative Bills against crime and commission of crime, effective collaborative synergies between the Jigawa State Government and the Federal Government, will be addressed.

Basic matters concerning, good governance culture, education, agriculture, commerce, the formation of a Jigawa State Graduate Database for all graduates of Jigawa State origin, tackling the animated ecological problem of flash-flood experiences, drought control mechanisms, waste management control, management of desertification and an aggressive malaria-mosquito control campaign, amongst others.

Like it is the current practice in most Nigerian states such as Imo, Lagos, Kaduna, Kano as well as the Federal Capital Territory , Abuja , the pair of Alhaji Mustapha Sule Lamido Jr and Alhaji Babandi Ibrahim-Gumel, if elected into office, would want to add Jigawa State to the growing list of states that have automated the complex processes of land administration, allocation and control in their development administrative scheme of affairs.

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