Nigeria-Uganda relations gives birth to Odogwu bitters in Pearl of Africa

The cordial relationship between Nigeria and Uganda has led to discovery and production of Odogwu Bitters drink geared towards economic and national development of both countries.

This was one of the highlights of the launch of Odogwu Bitters drink in Uganda on Saturday 17 December, 2022.

Speaking at the launch of Odogwu Bitters drink from Nigeria at Skyz Hotel-Naguru, Uganda’s High Commissioner to the Nigeria, His Excellency  Nelson Ocheger said that the initiative was made possible because of the cooperation and bilateral relations between the two nations.

He said that in Nigeria, the idea of launching the drink in Uganda was brought to his attention and he was positive about it and the fruits of the idea have been manifested.

Ocheger stressed that Uganda has policies that favour businesses and has always given incentives that attract investors and businesses worldwide.

“We discussed with the proprietors of the drink with the help of Richytech International to establish a plant here which will not only produce bitters but also non-alcoholic drinks”,he added.

“Uganda has raw materials they can tap into. At the end of the day, it will create jobs to Ugandans, earn them incomes, government will generate revenue through tax and will use this tax to provide services to Ugandans”, he noted.

The Envoy , however, commended Richtech International’s interest to do business in Uganda and assured them of access to market since Uganda is a member of East African Common Market/Community.

In his goodwill message, the Nigerian High Commissioner to Uganda His Excellency Ismail Alatise noted that the High Commissioners do not just sit in office but engage in strategic interactions in their host countries that would create opportunities for the mutual benefit of the peoples of the countries they represent. He noted that the launching of the Odogwu bitters is a product of such efforts.

Commenting on intra-Africa trade, the envoy noted that “available statistics indicate that business among African countries is below 10 per cent, meaning that 90 per cent is with European countries, United States and other continents, therefore, it is high time we changed the narrative”.

He stated further that “gone are the days when African countries depended entirely on Europeans etc as they seek to develop the continent. Africans have now decided to pursue development of the continent by themselves.

The Nigerian Envoy said that with his Ugandan counterpart they are doing what is possible to spur bilatetal trade between their two countries towards boosting Intra-Africa trade and eventual integration of African economies. ‘We want to facilitate life without poverty for our peoples’ he added.

At the launch, Nigerian delegation led by Chief Michael Awunor President of the Nigeria-Uganda Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NUCCIMA) said that they are aiming at fronting African products for Africans.

Awunor highlighted that many times foreign drinks have dominated African market, yet “we have every credence to produce for ourselves”.

“As Nigeria-Uganda Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NUCCIMA) we are embarking on promoting and protecting the interests of the business community, particularly their members who are represented in all sectors of the economy”, Awunor said.

“And as private sector we cannot do it alone that’s why we are bringing in public sector. That’s why you have seen the two High Commissioners seated from the beginning to the end so that is the kind of collaboration we are putting together for the benefit of our two countries, (Nigerian and Ugandan)”. He stressed.

The production and subsequent launch of Odogwu bitters in Uganda has been possible with the help of Richytech International.

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