Brand analysts laud effectiveness of Hollandia Yoghurt campaign

Some analysts in the nation’s integrated marketing communications and nutrition space have applauded Hollandia Yoghurt’s communication campaign, tagged “Wholesome Nourishment From Your Favourite Brand,” for increasing brand awareness and further endearing the brand to consumers as the favourite drinking yoghurt brand for wholesome nourishment.

A brand executive with Wingplus Communication, Yomi Adesina, stated that Hollandia Yoghurt has become synonymous with wholesome nourishment in the consciousness of consumers by consistently driving that narrative.

“The success of the ‘Wholesome Nourishment From Your Favourite Brand’ campaign is attributable to how Hollandia Yoghurt showcases the many roles the brand plays in consumers’ nourishment need-spaces in a relatable way,” he said.

A Lagos-based nutritionist, Shirley Nwosu, noted that the campaign has been effective in further creating awareness and endearing the brand to consumers like herself with its wholesome nourishment value.

She noted that some of the vitamins & minerals contained in Hollandia Yoghurt  have been shown by research to help with increased energy, prevent reduced levels of alertness and improve overall cognitive performance.

Hollandia Yoghurt provides the wholesome nourishment for active replenishment and revitalizing energy that keeps you positively recharged to be at your best for the day.

Hollandia Yoghurt can be consumed on-the-go, at work, at school, or at any other time or place and comes in delightful variants, as well as convenient pack sizes. It is loved by consumers who want a healthy and great tasting dairy beverage that provides an exciting way to add the required nutrients to their daily diets.

It contains B-Vitamins (B2, B5, B12 & H), Vitamin A, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Calcium, Potassium and Iron, which are essential to support the body’s development and overall wellness.

CHI Limited Marketing Director, Mrs. Toyin Nnodi, reiterated the positive consumer feedback the Hollandia Yoghurt “Wholesome Nourishment From Your Favourite Brand” campaign is generating.

“The campaign is very relatable to consumers because it is creative, simple and straight to the point in delivering key messages of wholesome nourishment for active replenishment before or after undergoing strenuous activities, healthy snack replacement in-between meals, positive recharge for mental uplift, and tasty indulgence during moments of relaxation,” she said.

Hollandia Yoghurt is available in two variants of Plain Sweetened and Strawberry, and it comes in five different pack sizes of 1Ltr, 500ml, 315ml, 180ml and 90ml.

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