Zenith Bank, First Bank, three others spend more on print media advert in February

By Seth Akande

In a recent report by P+ Measurement Services, Zenith Bank Plc, First Bank of Nigeria, Access Bank Plc, Guaranty Trust Holding Company PLC and Polaris Bank Ltd emerged as top spenders on print media advert in February.

P+ Measurement Services is a PR measurement agency focused on delivering detailed media monitoring, measurements, evaluation and analysis across the full spread of media channels.

A press statement by the agency’s Media Analyst, Soji Adenuga, titled, “Top 5 Nigerian Banks with the highest print advert spend – February 2022,” revealed that a total of twenty-two Nigerian banks spent an estimated sum of N217, 065, 699 on print advertisements, covering various traditional and soft-sell publications across the country in February, 2022.

The media audit showed Zenith Bank plc as the top spender with 41 per cent, First Bank of Nigeria emerging second with 20 percent and Access Bank plc with 18 per cent.

Completing the top 5 banks are Guaranty Trust Holding Company PLC and Polaris Bank Ltd with 11 percent and 10 percent respectively.

For Zenith Bank, the report revealed that a total of N75,406,893 was spent by the bank. First Bank of Nigeria with spent N36,466,480 while Access Bank plc spent N31, 881,971.

Meanwhile, Guaranty Trust Holding Company PLC and Polaris Banks Ltd spent  N19,727,024 and N18,587,395 respectively on print media advertisement.

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