Equities market declines by 0.02% 

By Philemon Adedeji

The stock market on the Nigerian exchange limited (NGX) opened the week yesterday on a positive note amidst sell-offs and buy-interests as the benchmark All Share Index is depreciated by 8.81 basis points.

Specifically, the NGX ASI decreased by 8.81 absolute points or 0.02 to close at 47428.67 index points from 47437.48 index points it  opened for last trading day.

From the data released by NGX, market capitalisation declined by 5 billion to close by 25.561 trillion for trading.

On the activity chart, market activity as measured by both volume and value of trade gained weight in the session with daily traded volume standing at 1.280 billion units representing 11 per cent increase from 1.153 billion units traded in the previous session and exchange in 4,735 deals.

The  market sentiments as measured by breadth closed on negative as 22 stocks declined relative to 19 gainers.

On the table chart, RTBRISCOE emerged as the highest price gainer with gain of 9.58 per cent or 0.07 kobo increase to close at N0.80 per share, followed by ECOBANK TRANSNATIONAL INCORPORATED recorded as the second best gainer with 0.80 to represent 7.27 per cent increase to close at N11.80 per share, while PRESTIGE came as the third best gainer which went up at  0.03 kobo representing 6.52 per cent increase to close at N0.49 per share, NIGER INSURANCE PLC recorded as third fourth best gainer with gain of 0.01 kobo to represent 4.55 per cent increase to close at N0.23 per share, and MBENEFIT which recorded as the last fifth gainer with 3.85 per cent or 0.01 increase to close at N0.27

While, on the losers chart, ETERNA recorded as the best loser which declined by 10.00 per cent or 0.56 kobo to close by N5.04 per share, Followed by CWG which dropped by 0.11 kobo representing 10.00 to close by N0.99,ROYAL EXCHANGE dipped by 9.92 per cent or 0.12 kobo to close at N1.09 per share, VERITASKAP which recorded as the fourth losers depreciated by 0.02 kobo to represent 8.70 per cent to close by N0.21 per share and lastly SCOA recorded as last fifth losers which dropped by 0.23 kobo   representing 8.13 per cent to close at N2.60 per share.

On the table chart, FIRST CITY MONUMENT BANK  led the chart, which transacted 1.024 billion shares valued at 3.839 billion.

FIDELITY BANK  traded 38.138 million shares valued at 108.873 million while ZENITH BANK transacted 28,462 million shares worth 768.123 million,TRANSCORP traded 20.998 million shares valued at 23.791 million and lastly GUARANTEED TRUST HOLDING COMPANY transacted  17.168 million shares worth 455.383 million.

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