The importance of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad

The word Sunnah is an Arabic word meaning way. Now the question is that did the Prophet (SAW) have a way different from Islam?

If this question is asked many times, it might be tormenting the brain and brings confusing in the mind. But whoever understands Islam very well will be sure of what the Sunnah means.

Sunnah is the way which the Prophet (SAW) used to worship Almighty Allah (SWA), the way he talked about, the way he behaves, and the way he lived  by.

So, after this elaboration, it’s quite clear now that Sunnah means the way the Prophet (SAW) practised and demonstrate Islam.

Moreover, Islam was sent to the world through him, and he made Islam understandable.

The Prophet (SAW) sayings are not what he said from his brain, or what  cannot be traced to Almighty Allah (SWA), and Allah (SWA) said the Prophet (SAW) will never say his wishes or talk without being inspired by Allah (SWA).

If we understand that the Prophet is guided by Allah (SWA) and Allah is revealing to him, then there will be no place for doubt in us.

Sunnah is the real practical of Islam. And the Ibadah can’t be accepted by Allah (SWA) unless if Allah (SWA) command us to do it, and if the Prophet (SAW) did it.

These two understandings must ring a bell in the ears of all Muslims; so, they’ll not make up anything by themselves and impose it or ask people to do it.

The Sunnah is also the explanation to the Quran, which means that if there’s anything that the companions didn’t understand in the Quran, they asked the Prophet (SAW) and he’d explain it to them to understand.

The Sunnah is not documented in the Quran verses, but it’s documented and compiled differently. And the way the Prophet (SAW) used it is not different from the meaning of Quran because it explains it.

The text might be different, but the Sunnah does not contradict the Quran at all.

So Muslims should only follow the way of the Prophet (SAW) to be fortunate in the Hereafter.

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