Shareholders approve TotalEnergies as new  identity

By Oluwaseyi Alao

TotalEnergies Nigeria Plc has unveiled new identity for its company on Friday in Lagos after a successful change of name.

According to the Managing Director, Mr Imrane Barry the group decision to transform into TotalEnergies and adopt a new identity was in line with the commitment in providing newer and cleaner energies.

While reacting to the necessity of clean and renewable energy, he said, “we all need it and it’s a source of progress to contribute to the sustainable development of the product, facing the climate, moving forward together as a company toward the renewer energy.

Barry added that the company “is reinventing itself,” stressing that the ambition of the group  was to be world-class player in the energy transmission industry.

He noted that  the transformation of identity would further emphasise committment to to production  and provisiin of energies that are ever affordable, reliable and clean.

Furthermore, Mrs Popoola Mordi, said shareholders adopted the resolution of the board of directors to change the company name from Total to TotalEnergies because they  understood the ambition of Total for 2050 which they are in commitment and alignment.

She disclosed that the change would reflect retails network, noting that focus would be laid on driving all existing product as well as new ones to deliver cleaner and more sustainable energy, such as solar lamps and multiple solar solution for cleaner energy alternatives for home, businesses and industries.

She emphasised that the goal of the group was to optimize power supply and also reduce energy cost and collective carbon nutrient.

“Total Energies will focus on offering customers and partners business solutions such as TotalEnergies cards that offers great value and efficiency in the day to day management of their business.

“The change has no adverse effect on any stakeholders both internal and external , it has and impact , the impact is the beauty what we we will be doing together,” she added

She assured that provision of more cleaner, affordable and accessible  power were simply made to serve the customers and Nigerians as a whole, promising to remain ever determined to serve the customers and stakeholder to the best of ability.

“TotalEnergies exemplify the dynamic of producing energy which is affordable, reliable and clean  basically The identity is to represent where we are going from here, because this is a company that is very conscious of its environment.

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