Residents want AEPB to take urgent action, as refuse dump takes over Nyanya

By Taofeek LAWAL, Abuja

It is no longer at ease at the Nyanya end of the Federal Capital Territory (FCTA) as refuse has taken over the popular MOPOL junction with the stench oozing from the dumpsite making residents and passers-by uncomfortable.

The dumpsite located close to the Nyanya Playing Ground has become a beehive of activities for scavengers (Baban Bola) who comb the length and breadth of the site to pick one or two things which can fetch them some money and put food on their table. The scavengers knowingly or unknowingly obstructed vehicular movement on the Abuja-Keffi road and have less regards for motorists and commuters who are going to their places of work.

Those close to the site said the odour emanating from the refuse dump poses health hazards to the residents especially at the time of COVID-19 pandemic when Nigerians have been urged to maintain personal and environmental hygiene to curb community spreading.

They accused the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) of neglecting its duties when it should be seen making Abuja clean to compete favorably with other major cities in Africa and the world at large. The residents called on the AEPB to, as a matter of urgency, get rid of the refuse which is now an eyesore to the public. The refuse has taken over almost half of the highway constituting nuisance to the motorists and attracting the angst of the public.

“We want to appeal to the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) to wake up to its responsibilities by mandating the leadership of the AEPB to wake up from its slumber and save us from communicable diseases which can result from these heaps of refuse. We are no longer at ease as the refuse is taking its toll on us health-wise. Nigeria and the whole world have a pandemic to deal with and we don’t want the refuse here to compound our woes. As you can see, we have many traders here and school children who pass  through this place going to their different destinations,  same with boys who come here regulary to play football,” a resident who gave her name as Mabel angrily reacted when speaking with Nigerian NewsDirect.

In a telephone interview with our correspondent, the public relations officer (PRO), AEPB, Janet Peni, said she needed to find out the contractor in charge of evacuating the refuse while calling on residents to always report to the board whenever and wherever they see heap of refuse.

“The contractors go out four days in a week to evacuate refuse and I believe the contractor in charge of the Nyanya end will do his job. However, I want to appeal to our people to continue to cooperate with and inform us wherever they see refuse so that the right thing could be done,” Peni said.

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