The secret in deliverance — Prophet A.J. Wasinuola

First thing you must know according to the book of John 3:16 ‘’For God so love the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life’’

Now, who is the son of God?

Jesus Christ is the son of God whom was given to us by God (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus Christ asked His followers (Disciples) who had been with Him for a period of not less than one year of his earthly ministration. Matt 16:13-19, ‘’Who do people say I am,’’ the disciple replied Him that some people erroneously took Him to be resurrected or reincarnated John the Baptist, Elijah or Jeremiah or one of the other dead prophets.

Also, asked His disciple ‘’who do you say I am?’’ Maybe you say He is just one of the Prophets, a miracle worker in His days, possibly a saviour of the Jews, a good teacher e.t.c. Maybe you argue He is not the son of God, you say He did not die for you e.t.c.

There are three things you have to know:- 

  • Who is Jesus to God and man?
  • What is sin?
  • What is suffering?

Dear friend, God is love. He does not want any man (and you in particular) to perish. God is not an author of dwell in His presence. He said in Matt 17:5 above that all the people of the world should listen to Jesus Christ. The one upon whom God put his approval.

Jesus is the son to God, while He is a saviour to man (i.e you and I) said in John 14:6 that ‘’I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh to the Father, but by me’’.

Dear reader, the above question is:-

  1. Jesus is the son of God John 3:16, Matt 16:16.
  2. He that came to save people from their sin Matt 1:21
  3. Jesus is the lawyer for all people John 2:1-2

Secondly, what is sin?

Sin is the violation of law; Biblically it is the violation or disobeying the law and commandment of God.

Dear brethren, as a child of God, you must keep all the commandments of God and after restitute your ways today because tomorrow may be too late for you. Rom 3:23 says ‘’for all have sinned and come short the glory of God. If you recognise yourself as a sinner today, restitute now as you read. Remember that you came to this world one day and must go back one day.

Thirdly, what is suffering?

Suffering is a state of pain or distress after transgressing the commandment of God. Matt 5:19-21 suffering in the other hand is the affliction that people pass through when God’s laid down rules is been violated. Gen 4:6-13.

Restitute your ways today

Confess your sins and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour today before you appear before Him as your judge at His judgement throne. Put sentiment shame and fear of what’s one can do to you aside, face the reality of the eternal salvation of your soul. Realise that no one will stand to defend you on that day.  It is only faith in Him that can carry you through. Believe Him in your heart and confess Him with your mouth, then become obedient and submissive to Him for the salvation of your soul. Rom 10:9-10.

Also knowing that Jesus came to the world, suffer so that he can fulfil the prophecy of the prophet’s and the covenant of God, Luke 2:34-35, Isaiah 53:8-10.

Jesus came to the world to hearken to His Father’s authority (that is God) don’t let the suffering of Jeus be in vain on you. The work of the flesh will make you lose the kingdom of God, 1 Chro 6:10, Gen 5:19-20.

Above all brethren, you can find a church that stands on the truth and teachable in the world of God or you can worship with us @Rest in Christ Gospel Ministry Inc, (Peace of Mind City)

Rest in Christ, Teledalase B/stop, Gas line, Kajola Road, off Onihale Ifo, Ogun state.

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