1. He met you in your village .You are an undergraduate and he claimed to be a bank executive and the owner of a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV). Now that your traditional marriage has been done and you are carrying eight months old pregnancy for him before you discovered that he is an ordinary driver,

Do you…

  1. Marry the driver who has deceived you when you are an undergraduate?
  2. Divorce him because he has no money and a good job?
  3. Commit an abortion and disappear?
  4. Four armed criminals are holding you to ransom, It is either they rape you in your car, or  they will strip you naked with your legs and hands tied with rope(s) without an underwear to cover your nakedness along the highway or they shoot your legs with gun and escape with your car,  Now that they are ordering you to choose,

Do you…

  1. Prefer to be raped by four armed criminals than to be bound hands and feet with ropes in your naked state, along the highway?
  2. Prefer the criminals bound your hands and feet with rope(s) and strip you stark naked before dumping you along the highway?
  3. Prefer they shoot your two legs and escape in your car than to rape you or strip you stark naked with hands and legs bound, along the highway?
  4. There has been war in your country for good six months.  Many people are dying of starvation due to lack of  food. Other people desperate to survive are eating boiled human flesh. Now that you are starving and about to die,

Do you…

  1. Roast dead human beings and eat?
  2. Kill your relation and roast as fresh meat so that you can survive?
  3. Prefer to die of starvation instead of eating human meat?
  4. You want to rush your dying husband to the hospital.He is lying stark naked on the bed. You alone cannot put his clothes on for him and the only humanbeing available is your closest girlfriend,

Do you…

a.Tell your closest friend to close her eyes while walking into the room and helping you to dress up your hubby?

  1. Allow your friend to open her eyes and see your husband’s nakedness?
  2. Allow your husband to die, instead?


  1. Your mother is dead and you want your blind, deaf and dumb brother to know. How do you communicate to make him understand that mother is dead?

Do you…

  1. Take him to the corpse and make him touch her breasts, then his mouth before you use his hand to touch her chest and back to his own chest, immediately?
  2. Make him touch the corpse mouth and his mouth, the corpse eyes and his eyes before making him touch the breasts?
  3. Take him to the corpse and make him touch the chest  and breasts, then his mouth before making him touch the grave?
  4. Your trained lion does not eat human being, but animals. You want to cross a stream to the other side of the shore with your goat, lion and yam and you don’t want  your goat to eat up your yam or your lion eat your goat. Now that you cannot cross all of them at the same time,

Do you…

  1. Cross the goat (first), Lion (second) before you return to cross the yam?
  2. Cross the lion first and  you come back to cross the goat (second) before the yam?
  3. Cross the yam and goat leaving the yam behind at that  shore  and returned with the goat to the opposite shore where the lion is. Now you drop the goat to cross the lion , before returning to cross the goat?
  4. Her family stopped you from marrying her after several pleadings that you loved her. Now that she is dying of the serious face injury she sustained as a result of an auto crash and her family are calling you to come and pay her dowry and marry her,

Do you…

  1. For the sake of love pay the dowry of a dying lover?

b.Tell them to marry their daughter because you are getting married to another woman?

  1. Wait until her family give her money for plastic surgery before you can marry her?
  2. You have not known her family when you impregnated your heartthrob who unfortunately died after given birth to a set of twins. The custom of her community requires you to marry her even in death as you have not paid her dowry. Now that you don’t have money and you are about to be locked up inside the room with the corpse for three days without food, according to their tradition,

Do you…

  1. Runaway and abandon your set of twins because you don’t have money?
  2. Accept to sleep in the same room with the corpse without food for three days because you don’t have money and will not abandon your set of twins?
  3. Prefer to commit suicide?
Articles: 47723