2024: CSOs seek support for security agencies

Some Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have called on Nigerians to support security agencies and President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda, to enable the government  deliver on its promises in 2024.

The Coalition for Peace In Nigeria (COPIN) and the Iconoclast Media made the call in a joint statement on Sunday in Abuja.

The statement signed by the National Coordinator of COPIN, Mr Emeka Akwuobi and the National Secretary of Iconoclast, Dr. Mayago Mayago, said “security has become a whole-of-society business globally.”

It said the involvement of citizens, through provision of human intelligence will guarantee victory against non-state actors in the country.

The CSOs appealed to well-meaning Nigerians, especially the youths, to eschew divisive tendencies and resist attempts by subversive elements to use them as “cannon fodder.”

It said both intelligence and security agencies had continued to put in their best to secure the lives and property of citizenry, as well as sustain the inviolability of the State.

The groups expressed optimism that the reforms initiated by the Tinubu-led administration would start yielding the desired outcomes in 2024.

“As we await the New Year, we enjoin Nigerians to support the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Tinubu.

“As patriotic, non-profit organisations, we have studied the Renewed Hope Agenda of the President and we believe that he is irrevocably committed to the turning around of the country for good.

“We must discharge our civic duty and obligation with patriotic zeal and dedication, bearing in mind that the government’s success, or otherwise, is dependent on the extent of citizens’ support and participation,” the statement said.

The statement urged the public to fulfill their social contract obligation and trust the government to discharge her burden of guaranteeing security and public safety.

It said the CSOs had made a strong case for a whole-of-society-approach to security management in the country and enjoined Nigerians to re-enact the know-your-neighbour concept.

“We must re-establish the principle of know-your-neighbour in our respective communities, as that will facilitate the easy identification of strange elements among us.

“Once that is done, it becomes easy to isolate, identify and report strangers and suspicious activities to security agencies for prompt action.”

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