July 2022

Capacity expansion: BUA Cement to raise capital

BUA Cement says it is in discussion with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to obtain a loan for expansion of its integrated cement plant in Kalambaina, Sokoto State. The cement company disclosed this in a statement signed by Hauwa Garba…

Optimal Brand Performance

Author:           Emmanuel Obeta Publisher:        Self-Publishing Reviewer:        Goke Ilesanmi Branding is very critical to personal, business and organisational success. This is because it is the means through which businesses get credit for the quality they represent…

Positive impacts of persuasive business proposals

By Goke Ilesanmi Persuasion can be variedly defined. At one level of definition, it is conceived as the process by which a communicator tries to influence the attitudes, values, belief system, or action of his listener(s) or audience. In other…