2022 may solidify optimistic growth in domestic aviation — DG NCAA

Director General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority ( NCAA), Captain Musa Nuhu says that a fair assessment of the domestic aviation sector shows that Nigeria has recovered from Covid-19 pandemic especially with the vast number of wet leased aircraft in the country to fill in the gap of the demands of the system.

He made this known in his assessment of the aviation industry in 2021 and expectations in 2022 stressing that there is investors’ confidence and the willingness to put their money in the industry.

According to him, the signs show that the industry on the domestic scene is not doing badly and that what happened during the end of 2021 with leases of aircraft and outright buys may continue to influence 2022.

Captain Nuhu Said,” I must say I am pleasantly surprised with the domestic aviation industry. We certainly have recovered from Covid-19 pandemic. Not that we have recovered from the Covid-19 level, we have passed the pre-Covid-19 level. If you see the airlines from Nigeria, they have been getting clients. Right now, I have about 10 to 12 aircraft on wet lease to fill in the gap of the demands of the system.

“So, the industry has done fairly well. The domestic industry is going in a fantastic rate. We have given a lot of Air Operators’ Certificates (AOC) and we still have about 15 in the pipeline. We are working on it. We have airports propping up all over the place and a lot of maintenance organisations coming up.

“For us to achieve the growth we have now, we (agencies, ministries, stakeholders and the media) be doing something right that is building investors’ confidence in the system. The investors are willing to put their money in the system and grow the industry.

“We will continue that way and hopefully, we want to get to a place where aviation plays very significant contributions to the GDP on a short and medium terms; at least 5 per cent. Also, the growth is a bit stretching the infrastructure. So, sometimes, clogs are created here and there because the system has been stretched.

“And the international scene is not too bad, we are recovering gradually and hopefully in early 2020 when are come out with the issues we are having, we should exceed the pre-Covid-19 level of aviation travel. Generally, it has been hectic and stressful for us at NCAA, trying to cope with the demands everywhere, but we will keep doing what we are doing to ensure the system continues to operate safely, orderly and organised manner.

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